(a) There is hereby declared to be a policy to provide additional compensation to full-time department heads, supervisory personnel and support personnel who achieve goals beyond job objectives, demonstrate innovation and efficiency, display superior abilities on specific matters and undertake additional responsibilities within and without the scope of normal job requirements which contribute to a more properly operated City, wherein Council may allocate such sums as it determines to be appropriate.
(b) The City Manager is hereby authorized to make recommendations to Council concerning additional compensation to department heads, supervisory personnel and support personnel within guidelines as follows: achieving goals beyond job objectives, demonstrating initiative and efficiency, displaying superior abilities and undertaking additional responsibilities within and without the scope of normal job requirements for the better operation of the City.
(c) Upon review of the recommendations of the City Manager, Council may in its discretion provide for such increases in the compensation of such department heads, supervisory personnel and support personnel for such periods of time and/or in any such year as Council may deem appropriate.
(Ord. 3596. Passed 12-18-84.)
(d) Eligibility for incentive and merit compensation shall extend to permanent part-time employees.
(Ord. 3743. Passed 12-17-85.)