(a) The street layout shall conform to the Master Thoroughfare Plan. If the plat involves a section of a street shown on the Thoroughfare Plan, it must be so dedicated by the subdivider.
(b) Streets should generally continue existing streets and provide ease of circulation within the plat and with adjoining plats, and shall be platted with regard to the topography and other existing physical features.
(c) Street intersections should be at right angles as far as possible.
(d) Cul-de-sacs shall be a minimum length of 150 feet and a maximum length of 600 feet.
(e) Half-streets will be accepted only when they complete an existing half-street on the border of the plat.
(f) Alleys may be required in business districts and in the rear of lots fronting on thoroughfares, but will not be approved in residential areas unless required by rugged topography or other unusual features.
(g) Easements for utilities shall be provided along rear or side lot lines where needed.
(h) The number of intersecting streets along thoroughfares shall be held to a minimum. A parallel service drive is recommended to eliminate numerous driveways from opening onto a thoroughfare.
(Ord. 1139. Passed 6-21-60.)