   (a)   Applications for a license to peddle or solicit within the Municipality shall be filed with the City Manager or the Manager's designee on a form to be furnished by the Manager or the Manager's designee. An application shall require, at a minimum, the following information:
      (1)   The name of the applicant;
      (2)   A physical description of the applicant;
      (3)   The applicant's Social Security number;
      (4)   The name and address of the person or entity, if any, on whose behalf the applicant will be peddling or soliciting and the length of the applicant's service with such person or entity;
      (5)   All places of residence of the applicant and all employment during the preceding year;
      (6)   A description of the goods, wares, or merchandise to be sold or services to be furnished by the applicant or the purpose for which funds are being solicited;
      (7)   The names of other municipalities in which the applicant has conducted peddling or soliciting activities within the past calendar year.
   (b)   Applicant shall furnish a photographic identification card and photograph of himself or herself taken within one year of the date of the application.
   (c)   At the time of the submission of a completed application, the applicant shall pay an application fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). Such application and fee shall be required for each individual requesting a license. The amount of this fee may vary from time to time by ordinance.
   (d)   Upon receipt of a completed application, the Police Department will conduct a background check for each individual set forth in the application. The Police Department reserves the right to conduct a local, regional, State, and/or Federal background check for each applicant. Any applicant may be denied a license pursuant to the City’s License Disqualification Standards, which are available for review upon request to the City Manager or the Manager's designee.
   (e)   If the City Manager or the Manager's designee determines that all information and items required under divisions (a), (b) and (c) of this section have been submitted and are complete and that the applicant proposes to engage in an activity permitted by this chapter, a license shall be issued to the applicant within fourteen business days of the submission of the completed application and required fee. This time period shall not commence to run until the required application fee is paid and the application and all required information have been submitted.
   (f)   Any license issued shall be valid for a period of twelve months from the date of its issuance.
   (g)   Any applicant who has been denied a license under this chapter shall be notified in writing within fourteen business days following the submission of an application. Any license application may be denied for failing to pay the required application fee or failing to provide all required information mandated by this section. The City reserves the right to waive any irregularities with the submission of an application.
(Ord. 6470. Passed 6-17-14.)
852.05 APPEALS.
   (a)   Any person who has applied for a license in accordance with this chapter and whose application is denied, may appeal such determination within fourteen days from the date stated on the denial notice provided by the City. The notice of appeal shall be submitted in writing to the City Manager within the foregoing period of time. Any person who fails to submit a written notice of appeal within the fourteen day period described herein will waive the right to appeal a determination that denied a license permitted under this chapter.
   (b)   Any person who perfects an appeal as provided under this section shall be entitled to a hearing before a three-person hearing board designated to review the denial of a license to engage in peddling and soliciting activities. The hearing board shall be composed of the Law Director and two members of the Board of Zoning Appeals, as named by the Board. A hearing will be scheduled upon receipt of a written notice of appeal at a time no sooner than ten days following the receipt of said notice. The City will advise the appellant in writing of the specific date and time scheduled for the hearing. The hearing board shall promptly issue a written decision following a hearing, which shall be served upon the appellant. The appellant will be granted a license unless all members of the hearing board concur that the denial was warranted.
(Ord. 6470. Passed 6-17-14.)
   (a)   The license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall at all times be conspicuously attached and exhibited on the outer clothing of the peddler or solicitor.
   (b)   No license issued to an applicant may be transferred, assigned to another person or displayed by another person representing himself or herself as the person to whom the license was issued.
   (c)   Upon request of the person solicited or the person who made a purchase from a peddler, the solicitor or peddler shall provide a written receipt showing the name of the solicitor or peddler, the amount of the contribution or purchase, and the date.
   (d)   Upon request, all persons acting on behalf of any recognized not-for-profit charitable organization shall provide a statement attesting to the organization's exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(Ord. 6470. Passed 6-17-14.)