For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   (a)   “Canvasser.” Any person who travels from place to place by foot, motor vehicle, or other conveyance for the purpose of disseminating religious, political, social, or other ideological beliefs and who does not request funds for any commercial purpose or offers goods, wares, food, merchandise, or services for sale.
   (b)   “Canvas” or “canvassing.” Traveling from place to place by foot, motor vehicle, or other conveyance for the purpose disseminating religious, political, social, or other ideological beliefs without requesting funds for a commercial purpose or offering goods, wares, food, merchandise, or services for sale.
   (c)   “Charitable.” Includes the terms patriotic, philanthropic, social service, welfare, religious, benevolent, educational, civic, cultural, fraternal, veteran's medical and/or social research, either actual or purported, or as otherwise defined under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
   (d)   “Charitable organization.” Any patriotic, philanthropic, social service, welfare, religious, benevolent, educational, civic, cultural, fraternal, veteran's medical and/or social research organization or any recognized not-for-profit organization that has been issued a Ruling or Determination letter by the Internal Revenue Service, which has not been revoked, exempting the organization from Federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended.
   (e)   “Peddler.” Any person who travels from place to place by foot, motor vehicle, or other conveyance for the purpose of selling any goods, wares, food, merchandise or services, or otherwise obtains orders or commitments for the sale, repair or exchange of goods, wares, food, merchandise or services.
   (f)   “Peddle” or “peddling.” The unsolicited selling, obtaining of orders or commitments, or the unsolicited presentation of goods, wares, food, merchandise, or services for sale.
   (g)   “Person.” Any individual, organization, firm, co-partnership, company, corporation, association, society, league, including any director, trustee, employee, receiver, assignee, agent, or representative thereof.
   (h)   “Solicitor.” Any person who travels from place to place by foot, motor vehicle, or other conveyance for the purpose of obtaining or seeking to obtain funds for any purpose unrelated to the dissemination of religious, political, social, or other ideological beliefs.
   (i)   “Solicit” or “soliciting.” To seek or obtain funds for any purpose unrelated to the dissemination of religious, political, social, or other ideological beliefs.
(Ord. 6470. Passed 6-17-14.)