(a)   There is hereby established a Roadway Improvement Fund.
   (b)   The Roadway Improvement Fund is established for the purpose of escrowing money which was intended to be used by developers for public improvements required under planned unit development regulations and other regulations and laws governing the same, which improvements, in the opinion of the City Engineer, cannot be made without substantial design compromises which may be detrimental to the overall design of the roadway system.
   (c)   The Roadway Improvement Fund shall be invested and all interest earned on such investment shall accrue to the Fund to help offset increases in construction costs and inflation.
   (d)   The Roadway Improvement Fund shall be used for the sole purpose of designing, planning, engineering or construction of roadways and related items, but shall not be used for maintenance purposes. (Ord. 4187. Passed 3-21-89.)