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   This section provides the rules of measurement for the dimensional standards and locational characteristics within the Chapter.
   A.   Block and Blockface.
      1.   A block is a tract of land bounded by streets, or in lieu of a street or streets, by public parks, cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, bulkhead lines, or shorelines of waterways or corporate boundary lines of municipalities.
      2.   Blockface is measured as that portion of a block or tract of land facing the same side of a single street and lying between the closest intersecting streets.
   B.   Building Height.
      1.   Maximum building height is measured from grade (see item E. below) to the highest point of roof or parapet on a principal building or accessory structure.
      2.   The following structures or parts thereof are exempt from maximum height limitations, unless otherwise limited by any height restriction imposed by any airport authority, or other similar federal, state, or local authority.
         b.   Water tanks (standalone) and standpipes.
         c.   Building height of approved appurtenances may exceed the maximum building height by 15 feet.
   C.    Caliper. Tree caliper is the diameter of a free trunk, measured at 4.5 feet above the adjacent ground.
   D.    Coverage.
      1.    Lot Coverage. Lot coverage is the percentage of a lot that is occupied by principal buildings and accessory structures. Maximum lot coverage is calculated as the percentage of all principal building and detached accessory structure footprint area against the total area of the lot. The “pole” of a flag lot is not included in lot coverage calculations.
      2.    Impervious Surface Coverage. Impervious surface coverage is the percentage of a lot that is occupied by buildings, structures, pavement, and any other impervious surfaces that do not allow for the absorption of water into the ground. Maximum impervious surface of a lot is calculated as the percentage of all impervious surface area against the total area of the lot. The “pole” of a flag lot is not included in impervious surface calculations. When permeable paving is used, it is calculated as 50% impervious surface subject to verification by the Village Engineer that the system will be installed correctly to be pervious (e.g., if 100 square feet of area uses a grasscrete paving system, then only 50 square feet is counted as impervious surface).
   E.   Grade. The average elevation of the ground surface of a lot measured at the location of the proposed corners of the proposed structure.
   F.   Floor Area Ratio.
      1.   Floor area ratio (FAR) of the building or buildings on any zoning lot is the gross floor area of the building or buildings on that zoning lot divided by the area of such zoning lot.
      2.   Gross floor area is the sum of the gross horizontal area in square feet of the several floors of a building measured from the exterior face of the exterior walls devoted to such use, including accessory storage areas but excluding cellars, which is a level of a building having more than one-half of its height below grade.
   G.   Lot. A lot is the basic development unit for determination of lot area, depth, and other dimensional regulations, whose boundaries have been established by some legal instrument such as a recorded deed or recorded map, with frontage upon a street. The following describes the types of lot configurations:
      1.   An interior lot is a lot other than a corner or through lot, bounded by two interior side lot lines.
      2.   A corner lot is a lot situated at the junction of, and abutting on, two or more intersecting streets.
      3.   A through lot is a lot which fronts upon two parallel streets, or which fronts upon two streets which do not intersect at the boundaries of the lot. A through tot is also called a double frontage lot.
      4.   A flag lot is platted so that the main building site area (the “flag”) is set back from the street on building site with the street.
   H.    Lot Area. The total area within the boundaries of a lot, excluding any street right-of-way, usually defined in square footage.
   I.    Lot Depth. The mean horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line. In the case of a corner lot, the lot depth is the greater of the mean horizontal distance between the front lot lines and the respective lot line opposite each. For a flag lot, lot depth is the mean distance between the rear lot line opposite the non-stem portion of the front lot line.
   J.    Lot Lin e. A line of rec ord bou nding a lot, whi ch divi des one lot fro m anot her lot or from a public or private street or any other public or private space, and includes:
      1.   A front lot line is the lot line separating a lot from a street right-of-way. The front lot line of a comer lot is the shortest street lot line of a comer lot abutting a street. A front lot line for a through lot is both lot lines that abut a street. The front lot line of a flag lot is the lot line of the “flag” portion of the lot.
      2.   A rear lot line is the lot line opposite and most distant from the front lot line. In the case of triangular or similarly irregularly shaped lots, the rear lot line is a calculated line of ten feet in length entirely within the lot, parallel to and at a maximum distance from the front lot line.
      3.   On a corner lot, the corner side lot line is perpendicular or approximately perpendicular to the front lot line and is the longer street abutting lot line of a corner lot.
      4.   On an interior lot, the interior side lot line is perpendicular or approximately perpendicular to the front lot line and abuts an adjacent lot.
      5.   A street lot line is any lot line separating a lot from a street right-of-way.
   K.    Lot Width.
      1.   For regular lots, lot width is the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to its depth along a straight line parallel to the required front setback.
      2.   For cul-de-sac lots, on those lots with a curved front lot line, lot width is measured as follows:
         a.    A line is drawn at the midpoint of the lot between the side lot lines, extending from the front lot line to the rear lot line.
         b.   Where the required front setback intersects the midpoint line at a right angle, a line is drawn perpendicular to the midpoint line.
         c.   Lot width is determined as the length of the line between side lot lines.
         d.   Where the side lot lines angle to increase width towards the rear, the required lot width measured at the required setback is 75% of the lot width required by the zoning district.
      3.   For flag lots, lot width is measured at the required front setback as defined in this section.
   L.    Minimum Livable Floor Area. Enclosed floor space arranged for living, eating, and sleeping purposes, including bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundries, pantries, foyers, hallways and other accessory floor spaces.
   M.   Setbacks and Yards.
      1.   General Definitions.
         a.   A required setback is the required minimum distance a principal building must be located from a lot line, which is unoccupied and unobstructed by a principal building, unless permitted by this Code. A setback is located along the applicable lot line for the minimum depth specified by the zoning district in which such lot is located.
         b.   A yard is the open space area between the building line of a principal building and the adjoining lot lines, exclusive of facade articulation, such as window or wall recesses and projections, A setback may be equal to or lesser than a yard.
      2.   Front Yard and Front Setback. The front yard and front setback extend the full width of the lot between side lot lines measured perpendicular to the front lot line.
         a.   Front Yard. A front yard is located between a principal building line and the front lot line.
         b.   Front Setback. A front setback is the required minimum distance per the zoning district that a principal building must be located from the front lot line.
         c.   A front setback is measured from the right-of-way line.
         d.   Front setbacks on irregular lots are subject to the additional provisions:
            i.   On a lot with a radial (curved) front lot line, the required front setback, as measured from the right-of-way line or lot line following the curve of the lot line.
            ii.   For flag lots, the front yard and setback is measured from the rear lot line of the lot that separates the flag portion of the lot from the street. For multiple flag lots that utilize a common drive, the front yard and setback may be measured from the lot line of the pole or access strip, as extended into the lot.
      3.   Interior Side Yard and Interior Side Setback. The interior side yard and interior side setback extend along the interior side lot line between the front and rear yard or setback, measured perpendicular to the interior side lot line.
         a.   Interior Side Yard. An interior side yard is located between a principal building line and the interior side lot line.
         b.   Interior Side Setback. An interior side setback is the required minimum distance per the zoning district that a principal building must be located from the interior side lot line.
      4.   Corner Side Yard and Corner Side Setback. The corner side yard and corner side setback extend along the corner side lot line between the front yard or front setback and the rear lot line, measured perpendicular to the corner side lot line.
         a.   Corner Side Yard. A corner side yard is located between a principal building line and the corner side lot line.
         b.   Corner Side Setback. A corner side setback is the required minimum distance per the zoning district that a principal building must be located from the corner side lot line.
      5.   Rear Yard and Rear Setback. The rear yard and rear setback extend between interior side lot lines, measured perpendicular to the rear lot line.
         a.   Rear Yard. A rear yard is located between a principal building line and the rear lot line.
         b.   Rear Setback. A rear setback is the required minimum distance per the zoning district that a principal building must be located from the rear lot line.
         c.   In the case of a corner lot, the rear yard and rear setback extend between the interior side lot line to the required corner side setback, measured perpendicular to the rear lot line.
      6.   Yard and Setback Requirements for Through Lots. For through lots, both the front and the rear required setbacks must meet the required front setback of the zoning district.
(Ord. 885, passed 11-21- 2023)