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   In an effort to promote ingenuity, imagination, and design efforts on the part of owners, builders, architects, and developers and to produce developments which are in keeping with overall land use intensity and open space objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, this Article creates the planned unit development (PUD) procedure that allows for departure from the strict application of the specific zoning requirements of the district where the development is located. The intent is to:
   A.   Permit flexibility to allow for a creative approach to the development of land.
   B.   Accomplish a more desirable environment than would be possible through the strict application of the minimum requirements of this Chapter.
   C.   Provide for an efficient use of land facilitating a more economic arrangement of buildings, circulation systems, land use, and utilities.
   D.   Enhance the appearance of neighborhoods through the preservation of natural features, the provision of underground utilities, and the provision of recreation and open space.
   E.   Provide an environment of stable character compatible with surrounding areas.
(Ord. 885, passed 11-21-2023)