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   A.   Temporary Use Permit.
      1.   Purpose. A temporary use permit allows for the short-term use and/or placement of structures on a lot. The temporary use permit regulates temporary uses that occur entirely on and within a lot. Temporary uses located within the public right-of-way are not regulated by this section. Temporary uses cannot include the construction or alteration of a permanent structure.
      2.   Initiation. A property owner, or person expressly authorized in writing by the property owner, may initiate a temporary use permit application,
      3.   Authority. The Zoning Administrator will review and make final decisions on temporary use permit applications.
      4.   Procedure. All applications for temporary use permit must be filed with the Zoning Administrator, The Zoning Administrator will render a decision on the temporary use permit within 30 days of the date the application is deemed complete. The Zoning Administrator must review and evaluate the application, pursuant to the standards of this section, and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application.
      5.   Expiration. The temporary use permit is valid only for the time period granted as part of the approval.
   B.   General Standards. All temporary uses must be evaluated against the following standards, as well as any standards specific to the temporary use per item C. below:
      1.   The temporary use does not cause, or threaten to cause, an on-site or off-site threat to the public health, safety, and welfare.
      2.   If required by the Village, the operator of the temporary use must employ appropriate security personnel.
      3.   The temporary use does not conflict with another previously authorized temporary use.
      4.   The temporary use provides adequate parking if needed, if located on a lot with an operational principal use, does not impact the parking and site circulation of the principal use.
   C.   Permitted Temporary Uses. The following temporary uses are permitted subject to the standards for each and the standards of item B. above. A temporary use permit is required unless the standards specifically state otherwise.
      1.   Residential Real Estate Development Sales Office and Model Unit.
         a.   Model Home.
            i.   The model home must be associated with the sale or rental of homes within the development in which it is located.
            ii.   A model home must be closed after 90% of the lots or units are sold and/or rented.
         b.   Residential Real Estate Development Sales Office.
            i.   A development is limited to one temporary stand-alone real estate sales office, which cannot exceed 1,000 square feet in gross floor area and cannot be located in any required setback.
            ii.   All standalone real estate sales offices must be closed and removed within 30 days after the sale or rental of the last unit of the development.
      2.   Temporary Contractor's Office and Contractor's Yard.
         a.   A temporary contractor's office is allowed incidental to a construction project and must be located upon the same lot as the construction project.
         b.   The temporary contractor's office must be removed within 30 days of completion of the construction project.
      3.   Temporary Outdoor Entertainment - Public Events.
         a.   Temporary outdoor entertainment - public event is permitted in association with a place of public assembly in the residential district, and in association with any use in the commercial districts and OS District.
         b.   A management plan is required as part of the temporary use permit application that demonstrates the following:
            i.   The on-site presence of a manager during the event.
            ii.   General layout of performance areas, visitor facilities, such as any seating areas and restrooms, parking areas, and all ingress and egress points to the site.
            iii.   Provision for waste removal and for recycling, if available.
            iv.   The days and hours of operation, including set-up and take-down times.
            v.   A description of crowd control and security measures, including noise control measures.
            vi.   A lighting plan describing all temporary lighting to be installed.
         c.   Any temporary structures must be removed within three days of conclusion of the event.
         d.   Events are limited to three events per calendar year and a maximum duration of two days per event, with a minimum of 30 days between events. This limitation applies to the lot, not the operator of the temporary use.
      4.   Temporary Outdoor Storage Container.
         a.   Temporary storage containers are permitted in any zoning district when used for loading or unloading of the property located on the site. Containers are permitted on site for a period not to exceed ten days with no temporary use permit. If a longer time period is required, a temporary use permit is required and the timeframe will be determined as part of the temporary use permit approval. There must be a minimum of 30 days between periods of a temporary storage container placed on-site.
         b.   Temporary storage containers may not be used for permanent storage. They may not serve as a substitute for permanent storage needs on the site on which they are located. Containers may not be permanently attached to the ground, serviced with permanent utilities, or stacked on the site.
         c.   Temporary storage containers cannot be placed in the public right-of-way or placed on a lot to block ingress/egress or impede right-of-way traffic.
         d.   Temporary storage containers for residential uses may be placed in a driveway only but cannot block the right-of-way, including sidewalks. No temporary storage containers may be placed within any yard.
(Ord. 885, passed 11-21-2023)