A. Motions. No motion shall be put unless it is seconded. Neither the maker nor seconder of a motion shall be required to vote in favor of the motion.
B. Withdrawal of Motions—Seconds. The maker of a motion may withdraw it any time before the commencement of the vote, without the approval of the seconder. The seconder may thereupon renew the motion and seek a new seconder; if the seconder does not renew the motion, any other Trustee may then do so. A seconder of a motion may withdraw his second at any time before the commencement of the vote.
C. Amendment of Motions. The maker of a motion may amend his motion, with the concurrence of the seconder, at any time prior to the commencement of the vote. No motion may be otherwise amended, except the motions to amend an ordinance, resolution, contract or other written proposition shall, if adopted, amend any pending motions to pass or adopt the written proposition.
D. Tabling. A motion to table shall dispose of an item of business, which shall not again be considered until the item is removed from the table. Tabling of a specific written proposal shall not, however, preclude future consideration of a similar, but substantively different, proposal as a different item. Tabling of a subject matter or docket shall bar the entire subject or docket from any future consideration until removed from the table by action of the corporate authorities. Motions to table to a time certain shall be out of order.
E. Removing from Table. No matter may be removed from the table except upon motion adopted by an affirmative vote of four members of the corporate authorities. No matter which is not on the agenda of a meeting may be removed from the table except by motion adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of the members present. No matter previously tabled may be added to the agenda during the same meeting it is to be considered for passage or adoption.
F. Postpone. A motion to postpone consideration shall postpone all consideration of the item until a subsequent meeting, which may include a recessed or adjourned session of the same meeting on a later day. A motion to postpone which does not specify a date certain shall postpone the item to the next regular meeting. A motion to postpone to a day certain which is not a regular meeting date shall be out of order unless it includes a motion to call a special meeting for such date. Any motion to postpone which carries shall direct the item to be included on the agenda of the date specified. A motion to postpone to a later date shall have precedence over a motion to postpone to an earlier date.
G. Defer. A motion to defer consideration shall defer all consideration of an item until a later time during the same meeting, which may include a recessed or adjourned session of the same meeting, on a subsequent day. A motion to defer must specify either a point on the agenda or a time certain. Any motion deferring consideration to a time certain shall cause the item deferred to be in order at such time, or as soon thereafter as the corporate authorities have concluded consideration of whatever matter is then before the meeting.
H. Remove. A motion to remove from agenda shall terminate all consideration of the item at the meeting, and shall not direct or imply any direction with regard to consideration at any future meeting.
I. Motions to Amend and to Fill Blanks.
1. A motion to amend an amendment shall be in order, but one to amend an amendment to an amendment shall not be entertained.
2. An amendment modifying the intention of a motion shall be in order; but an amendment not germane to the subject of the pending proposition shall not be in order.
3. On an amendment to “strike out and insert,” the paragraph to be amended shall first be read as it stands, then the words proposed to be stricken out, then those to be inserted, and finally the paragraph as it will stand if so amended shall be read.
J. Motion to Substitute. A substitute for any original proposition under debate or for any pending amendment to such proposition may be entertained by motion. If accepted by the corporate authorities by vote, the substitute motion shall entirely supersede such original proposition or amendment, as the case may be.
K. Reconsideration.
1. A vote or question may be reconsidered at any time during the same meeting, or at the first regular meeting held thereafter. A vote or question may be reconsidered or a matter rescinded at a special meeting held prior to the next regular meeting but only if there are present at such special meeting as many members of the corporate authorities as were present when the original vote was taken. Where a motion is made at the same meeting as the passage of the original motion it may be postponed to a later date certain.
2. A motion for reconsideration having been made and decided in the negative or tabled shall not be renewed, nor shall a motion to reconsider be reconsidered.
3. No motion to reconsider the approval or denial of the recommendation of any advisory body required by law to hold public hearings shall be entertained except at the same meeting at which the original action was taken or after the matter has been conferred to the advisory body for a further hearing and recommendation.
4. A motion to reconsider must be made by a Trustee who voted on the prevailing side of the question to be reconsidered. However, where a voice vote was taken then any Trustee may move to reconsider such vote; and where a motion has received a majority vote in the affirmative, but is declared lost solely on the ground that a greater number of affirmative votes is required for its passage or adoption, then a motion to reconsider may be made only by those who voted in the affirmative on such question to be reconsidered. Any Trustee may second a motion to reconsider. Any vote upon a motion to reconsider a roll call vote shall also be by roll call vote.
L. Rescinding and Repeal. No resolution or other written proposition shall be subsequently rescinded except by adoption of a written resolution or other written proposition. No ordinance or provision of an ordinance shall be repealed except by a subsequent ordinance which expressly and specifically effects such repeal. No ordinance shall be construed to repeal any previous ordinance by implication, notwithstanding any inconsistency or conflict between them; in such cases, the subsequent ordinance shall supersede the prior ordinance and shall govern those situations to which it is applicable to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency, and the prior ordinance provisions shall remain applicable to all other situations, circumstances and applications as to which it has not been superseded.
(Ord. 725, passed 8-21-2012)