The rules of order of the corporate authorities of the Village of Mettawa shall consist of the provisions of this chapter and, except where inconsistent or in conflict with this chapter or with Illinois law, the provisions of the new revised Robert’s Rules of Order to the extent otherwise applicable.
A. Discussion. All items of business on the agenda of an official meeting shall be open for discussion and debate by the President and Board of Trustees upon being called by the President. Upon the sole discretion of the President, the President may call upon Village Staff or others to discuss, debate, or provide information relating to any and all items of business on the agenda of an official meeting.
B. Call for Question. Pending discussion, the President or any Trustee may call for the question, without a second. Upon a call for the question, if no motion is made and seconded, the item shall be deemed concluded, and shall not again be taken up at the same meeting unless by motion to return to that item of business.
C. Debate. Whenever a motion is made and seconded debate shall be limited to the motion. Only the President and Board of Trustees may participate in debate, except that the President may recognize staff or others to answer questions in connection with the matter under debate.
D. Reopening Discussion. With the approval of a majority of the Trustees, the President may reopen a matter to general discussion, or may allow an interested party to participate in debate on a pending motion.
E. Previous Question. Whenever a motion is pending, debate (and discussion, if reopened) shall be closed by the President when the issue is exhausted or the points raised become repetitious or dilatory. Any Trustee may move the previous question at any time, and if carried by a two-thirds vote, such motion shall terminate all discussion and debate except that each member may take one minute to explain his or her vote if a roll call is taken on the pending motion.
F. Question of Personal Privilege. The right of a member to address the Board of Trustees on a question of personal privilege shall be limited to cases in which his integrity, character or motives are assailed, questioned or impugned.
G. Voting. Every member who shall be present when a question is stated from the President shall vote thereon, unless excused by the Board of Trustees or unless he is personally interested in the question in which case he shall not vote.
H. Roll Call Votes. A roll call vote by ayes and nays shall be taken on any motion:
1. To pass ordinances, approve contracts, authorize expenditures, adopt or amend the budget, or waive competitive bidding;
2. Which any majority greater than a simple majority of the members of the corporate authorities present is required;
3. Required by state law to be by record vote;
4. To reconsider a roll call vote or to pass, adopt or approve any ordinance, resolution or motion over the veto of the president;
5. To appeal the ruling of the President;
6. At the request of any member of the corporate authorities.
I. Voting. Each Trustee shall vote in the order called. When the Clerk calls on a member to vote, the member of the corporate authorities may take one minute to explain his or her reasons. Every Trustee shall vote aye or nay on every roll call, and shall not abstain unless he or she declares a conflict of interest, as defined under state law and the Village ordinances. A Trustee who does not vote, or who requests an abstention without announcing a de jure conflict of interest shall be recorded, at the conclusion of the roll call, voting with the majority on the particular question.
J. Effect of Not Voting. Except for instances of de jure conflicts of interest, and except for a motion to appeal the ruling of the President, failure or refusal to vote by a Trustee in attendance shall constitute concurrence in the vote of the majority.
K. The President, or the Clerk at the President’s direction, shall announce the result of every vote, whereupon no further discussion, debate, or explanation of votes shall be in order on the question voted, except on a motion to reconsider, made and seconded.
L. Appeal. Any Trustee may appeal from a ruling of the President. If the appeal is seconded, only the Trustee moving the appeal may speak to the motion, but the President may explain his ruling. Otherwise there shall be no discussion or debate. The President shall put the question: “Shall the decision of the chair be overruled?” If a majority of the corporate authorities present the vote aye, the President shall be overruled; otherwise, it shall be sustained.
M. Call to Order. A member when called to order by the President, shall thereupon discontinue speaking and take his seat and the order or ruling of the President shall be binding and conclusive, subject only to the right of appeal.
N. Consent Agenda. The President and Board of Trustees may establish a consent agenda for items appearing on the agenda of any regular or special meeting. All items placed on the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion and one vote, which shall be a roll call vote. The Village President or any Trustee may request that an item not be placed upon the consent agenda, in which case the item will be considered separately. Any items not placed upon the consent agenda will be considered individually by separate vote.
(Ord. 725, passed 8-21-2012; Am. Ord. 856, passed 1-19-2021)