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   A.   With the advice and consent of the President and Board of Trustees, the Village President shall appoint the Village Clerk to serve for an indefinite period of time. The Village Clerk need not reside within the corporate limits of the Village; and, as an official of the Village and not an employee, shall be paid such compensation as may be set from time to time by the President and Board of Trustees. The Village Clerk may be removed from office by the Village President on any written charge, whenever the Village President is of the opinion that the interests of the Village demand removal.
      1.   The Village President shall report the reasons for the removal to the President and Board of Trustees at a meeting to be held not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) days after the removal.
      2.   If the Village President fails or refuses to place the item of "Consideration of the Report of Removal" upon the agenda of such meeting of the President and Board of Trustees and state the reasons for the removal in such report, or if the President and Board of Trustees by a two-thirds vote of all of the President and Board of Trustees authorized by law to be elected disapprove of the removal at such meeting, the Village Clerk thereupon shall be restored to office. The vote shall be by yeas and nays, which shall be entered into the Minutes of the meeting of the President and Board of Trustees. Upon restoration, the Village Clerk shall give a new bond and take a new oath of office. The Village Clerk may not be removed a second time for the same offense.
   B.   The Village Clerk shall keep the corporate seal, to be provided by the corporate authorities, and all papers belonging to the Village the custody and control of which are not given to other officers.
   C.   He shall attend all meetings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mettawa, and keep a full record of its proceedings in the journal as provided by statute.
   D.   The Village Clerk shall seal and attest all contracts of the Village and all license permits and other documents as shall require this formality.
   E.   In addition to the record of ordinances and other records which the Clerk is required by statute to keep, he shall keep a register of all licenses and permits and the payments thereon; a record showing all of the officers, volunteers, members of boards and commissions, and regular, part-time and full-time employees of the Village; and such other records as may be required by the President and Board.
   F.   In addition to the duties herein provided, the Clerk shall perform such other duties and functions as may be required by statute or ordinance.
   G.   The Clerk may appoint a deputy, by and with the consent of the President and Board of Trustees, who in the temporary absence of the Clerk, in case of illness or otherwise, shall be empowered to perform all the duties of the Village Clerk.
(Ord. 197, passed 8-28-91; Am. Ord. 349, passed 3-12-97; Am. Ord. 691, passed 6-21-2011)