The recitals below are hereby incorporated herein.
   (A)   The Regional Transportation Authority (“RTA”), the Chicago Transit Authority (“CTA”), the Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (“PACE”) and the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (“METRA”) (collectively, “Transit Agencies”) are entities responsible for the administration of mass transit programs in the northeast region of the state.
   (B)   The State Department on Aging (“Aging”) is the state agency responsible for maintaining an application system and making income eligibility determinations for benefits under the “circuit breaker” program, authorized by the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief Act (320 ILCS 25/1 et seq.).
   (C)   In accordance with the Regional Transportation Authority Act (“RTA Act”) (70 ILCS 3615/1.01 et seq.), eligibility for the reduced/free fare mass transit programs is based upon income eligibility limits set forth for the “circuit breaker” program.
   (D)   Pursuant to §§ 3A.15, 3A.16, 3B.14 and 3B.15 of the RTA Act, being 70 ILCS 3615/3A.15, 3A.16, 3B.14 and 3B.15, Aging is the state agency responsible for furnishing the transit agencies with all information reasonably necessary to determine eligibility for reduced fare/free fare mass transit services.
   (E)   Pursuant to §§ 2705-310, 315 and 440 of the Department of Transportation Law (20 ILCS 2705-1 et seq.), the State Department of Transportation provides general revenue and transportation funds to RTA, which, in turn, provides funds to the CTA, PACE and METRA to be allocated among said boards for reduced/free fare mass transit programs in the state.
   (F)   Aging received $0 appropriation for the “circuit breaker” program for fiscal year 2013.
   (G)   Without funding, Aging will not have the resources available to administer the circuit breaker program, thus jeopardizing the eligibility of low income seniors to receive reduced fare or free public transportation.
   (H)   The fiscal year has already commenced, requiring a quick resolution to these matters by METRA, PACE, RTA and CTA.
(Ord. MET 12-19, passed 9-14-2012)