(A)   (1)   Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, all contracts for sale of fee simple interest in any real property, including, but not limited to, air rights, of the CRD, and for leases for 99 years or more of real property of the CRD shall be let after public notice and public bidding to the highest responsive and responsible bidder.
      (2)   Leases of CRD property for less than 99 years, but for more than 20 years, shall be offered for lease through the competitive negotiation process or by engaging a licensed real estate broker, acting in CRD’s sole interest for the specific transaction.
      (3)   All proposed transactions arranged via licensed broker will appear, at a minimum, on the consent agenda prior to execution.
   (B)   Any of the following may be entered into without public bidding:
      (1)   Leases of the CRD’s property for 20 years or less;
      (2)   Third party property leased by the CRD;
      (3)   The CRD’s grant of easements or licenses for utility access;
      (4)   The exchange of reasonably equally valued property or rights in property; or
      (5)   The transfer of interest in real property not readily marketable or of general commercial interest for consideration deemed sufficient by the Executive Director.
(Res. MET 19-03, passed 3-20-2019)