§ 91.002 PURPOSE.
   These regulations are adopted by the Board of the Commuter Rail Division (“CRD”) of the Regional Transportation Authority (“Board”), in accordance with the provisions of the Regional Transportation Authority Act, 70 ILCS 3615/1.01 et seq. (“Act”), to ensure a fair and transparent contracting process. The Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director (“Executive Director”), or the Executive Director’s designee, to take such actions deemed necessary to implement and administer these regulations, subject to Board oversight. The Board reaffirms its disadvantaged business enterprise (“DBE”) commitments, its desire to create a level playing field for DBEs and to remove barriers in contracts for DBE participants. Consistent with the CRD’s DBE commitments, procurements shall be reviewed, in accordance with §§ 50.050 through 50.056, or its successor, to ensure DBE firms are provided an opportunity to participate in all appropriate competitive solicitations.
(Res. MET 19-03, passed 3-20-2019)