(A)   The Personnel Manager is responsible for the continuing review of the CRO wage and salary structure to assure non-discrimination in compensation benefits, conditions and privileges of employment and that jobs of equal skill, effort and responsibility receive equal pay. He or she will further ensure that standards for terminations, demotions, discipline, layoff and recall are the same for all employees.
   (B)   Documentation will be maintained by the EEO/DBE office on a separate log of all terminations, layoffs and demotions. Records will be kept of all exit interviews, and information relating to discriminatory policies or practices will be brought to the attention of the Personnel Manager.
   (C)   The EEO/DBE office will maintain an on-going analysis of pay practices to identify the development of any inadvertent pattern of discrimination in starting salaries.
(Ord. CRB 84-44, passed 9-14-1984)