(A)   Selection of applicants for employment will be the responsibility of the Personnel Department. Acceptance for employment is the responsibility of the position manager, with concurrence recommendation to the Personnel Manager and approval by the Executive Director.
   (B)   When an application is made for the specific desired job and the applicant is rejected by the personnel staff prior to qualifications, reasons for such action will be made on the resume control form. The resume control form will be routed to the EEO/DBE office for review and will be placed in the applicant’s file.
   (C)   Upon selection by the personnel staff, the applicant is referred to the appropriate department for interview and disposition. When underutilization exists, the acceptance or rejection of a referred applicant will in each case require completion of the resume control form and will be forwarded to the Personnel Manager. The resume control form will outline the reason for acceptance or rejection and will be routed through the EEO/DBE Director for concurring signature.
   (D)   In all cases, the non-concurrence recommendation of a referred applicant transaction will be brought to the attention of the hiring manager. If a resolution cannot be obtained, the transaction will be brought to the attention of the hiring manager. Failing resolution at the level, the Personnel Manager will route the transaction to the Acting Executive Director for appropriate review and final disposition.
   (E)   Hiring standards such as education, previous experience and skill levels will be realistically related to job and progression requirements and will be applied without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or handicap. Any testing procedures in use or contemplated in the selection, placement or promotion process will be validated in accordance with the EEOC Uniform Guidelines and Employee Selection Procedures.
   (F)   The Personnel Manager may recommend a 30-day search extension on any position for which underutilization exists and for which no qualified protected class member has been recruited within the initial deadline imposed by personnel.
(Ord. CRB 84-44, passed 9-14-1984)