§ 52.035 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of the utilization analysis, as specified in UMTA Circular 1155.1, is to indicate and highlight those job categories where there is underutilization and/or concentration of certain groups of persons and to set the framework for the goals and timetables that should be projected in order to correct the disclosed underutilization or concentration.
   (B)   The CRO’s utilization analysis consists of:
      (1)   A work force analysis which gives a breakdown of the CRO’s workforce by job classification, sex, race and national origin; and
      (2)   An availability analysis which compares the participation rate of historically underutilized persons at various levels in the workforce on the basis of race, sex and national origin with the availability of these persons in the relevant labor market and recruiting areas.
(Ord. CRB 84-44, passed 9-14-1984)