§ 10.058 TERMS.
   (A)   The Assistant Treasurer(s) and Assistant Secretary(s) shall serve at the pleasure of the Board until removed.
   (B)   The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall serve a term of four years or for the duration of his or her appointment to the Metra Board of Directors.
   (C)   If a vacancy occurs in the office of Chair, the remaining members of the Board shall elect one of its number to serve for the balance of the unexpired term within 90 days. The Vice-Chair shall temporarily serve until a new Chair is appointed.
   (D)   A Director’s term as a Board officer shall end on the last day that the Director serves as an appointed director on the Board. Upon the vacancy of such office, the Board shall elect a new officer within 90 days.
   (E)   Within 90 days of the Board’s initial adoption of these by-laws, but no sooner than July 1 of such year, the Board shall hold elections for the appointment of officers.
(Ord. MET 08-02, passed 4-11-2008)