(A)   The Chairperson’s compensation actions for the Executive Director set forth in Exhibit A incorporated in paragraph (C) below are hereby ratified.
   (B)   The compensation actions taken by the Executive Director for the Deputy Executive Director set forth in Exhibit A incorporated in paragraph (C) below are also ratified.
   (C)   Exhibit A ratified salary action:
Chairperson’s Salary Action for
Philip A. Pagano, Executive Director
Grant non-base salary increase at same rate as 2003
Merge 2004 base and 2004 non-base salary into 2005 base salary and increase 2005 base salary by 2% effective 1-1-2005
Executive Director’s Salary Action for
G. Richard Tidwell, Deputy Executive Director
Grant non-base salary increase at same rate as 2003
Merge 2004 base and 2004 non-base salary into 2005 base salary and increase 2005 base salary by 2% effective 1-1-2005
(Ord. MET 05-05, passed 4-15-2005)