Excavations for building or site improvements shall not be started, or buildings, or structures or parts thereof, shall not be erected, altered, or moved until a zoning permit has been applied for and issued by the Zoning Inspector.
   (a)   Approval of Development Plans: Whenever such plan has been submitted by the developer as required by this Ordinance, the preliminary plan and final plan of the development area shall have been approved by the Planning Commission before a zoning permit may be issued by the Zoning Inspector.
   (b)   Compliance with Zoning Regulations: Permits for the construction of a building or land improvements or change in use may be issued by the Zoning Inspector only if the work described in an application clearly complies with all provisions on the Zoning and other Ordinances of the Village of Metamora, Ohio. If the proposed building or use does not clearly comply, the Zoning Inspector shall not have the power to grant variances or make exceptions unless specifically so empowered by this Ordinance.
   (c)   Conditional Use Permit: Whenever a determination for a “Conditional Use” is required, a zoning permit for the building or use requiring a Conditional Use Permit shall not be issued until such permit has been applied for and issued by the Planning Commission.
   (d)   Determination of Similar Uses: Whenever a determination for a “Similar Use” is required, a zoning permit for the building or use shall not be issued until the inclusion of said use as a permitted use as a permitted use has been made by the Planning Commission and approved by Council.
      (Ord. 517. Passed 8-17-99.)