In a business or industrial district, each business shall be permitted one (1) wall sign (parallel to building wall), one (1) marquee sign (hanging under marquee), and either one (1) projecting sign (perpendicular to building wall) or one (1) free-standing sign subject to the following restrictions and exceptions.
   (a)   The area of all permanent advertising signs for any single business enterprise shall be limited according to the width of the building or part of the building occupied by such enterprise. For the purposes of this chapter, width shall be measured along the building face nearest and parallel to the street line. In the case of a corner lot, either frontage may be used in determining maximum area of the sign. The area of all permanent advertising signs for any single business enterprise may have an area equivalent to one and one-half (1 ½) square feet of sign area for each linear foot of width of a building, or part of a building occupied by such enterprise, but shall not exceed a maximum area of five hundred (500) square feet. When figuring area allowed for projecting and free-standing signs, the square footage of one (1) side only shall be considered; also that the rear of the building be treated as the front.
   (b)   Projections of wall signs shall not exceed two (2) feet measured from the face of the main wall of the building.
   (c)   Marquee signs shall not exceed eighteen (18) inches in width (up and down dimensions) and forth-eight (48) inches in length (parallel to sidewalk dimension) and shall be hung not less than seven (7) feet four (4) inches above the sidewalk surface.
   (d)   No part of a projecting sign shall come within two (2) feet of the face of the curb.
   (e)   All wall and projecting signs shall be at least ten (10) feet above the pavement or sidewalk on one (1) story buildings and be above the floor of the second story in two (2) or more story buildings.
   (f)   Only indirect illumination shall be permitted on illuminated signs.
   (g)   In lieu of a wall sign, a sign may be erected which is coincident with the face of the marquee which has letters above the marquee having a height not in excess of eighteen (18) inches.
   (h)   Free-standing signs shall not be over forty (40) feet in height, shall have its base located off the street right-of-way line, shall be at least fourteen (14) feet above the sidewalk; but in no case shall the sign come within two (2) feet of the face of the curb. (Ord. 517. Passed 8-17-99.)