(a) Open structures such as porches, canopies, balconies, platforms, carports, covered patios, and similar architectural projections shall be considered a part of the building to which attached and shall not project into the required minimum front, side or rear yard.
(b) Marquee in “B-1” and “B-2” Areas: All overhangs or marquee on store fronts shall be nine (9) feet above the sidewalk, and seven (7) feet from the front building line; but in no case shall the marquee come within two (2) feet of the face of the curb. In all cases the overhangs and marquee shall be continuous from building to building. In case of building line offsets of adjacent properties, the Board of Appeals and Zoning Inspector will make the final decision as to the proper elevation and amount of overhang.
(Ord. 517. Passed 8-17-99.)