(a) Shall contain a minimum of four (4) acres;
(b) Shall provide an adequate supply of municipal water;
(c) Shall provide an adequate system of collective sanitary sewers, sewage treatment and disposal and refuse pick-up areas. These areas must be screened or fenced in on a hard surface with adequate containers;
(d) Shall provide a clearly defined minimum lot area of seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet with a minimum lot width of sixty (60) feet and nine hundred (900) feet of floor area of each manufactured home or trailer;
(e) Shall provide a minimum of twenty (20) feet clearance between the individual mobile home or trailers and a fifty (50) foot setback from any property line bounding the Manufactured Home Park;
(f) All manufactured home spaces shall abut upon a paved driveway of not less than twenty (20) feet in width, which shall be unobstructed access to a private or public street;
(g) A safe, usable, developed recreation area shall be conveniently located in each Manufactured Home Park and shall not be less than ten (10) percent of the gross area of the tract;
(h) All manufactured home development shall further comply with Chapter 3733 of the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Department of Health Regulations;
(i) All manufactured homes must be properly skirted;
(j) Manufactured Home parks shall be effectively screened on all sides by means of walls, fences or plantings except where the area is sufficiently removed from other urban uses as determined by the Board. Walls or fences shall be at a minimum of four (4) feet in height without advertising thereof. In lieu of such wall or fence, a strip of land not less than ten (10) feet in width and planted and maintained with an evergreen hedge or dense plantings of evergreen shrubs not less than four (4) feet in height may be substituted.
(Ord. 517. Passed 8-17-99.)