The permitted and conditional uses for each district are shown in the following tabulations. Uses not specifically listed or interpreted to be included categorically shall not be permitted except by amendment to the Ordinance.
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
Parks | Semi-Public Uses |
Public Uses | Public Service Facilities |
Essential Services | Commercial Recreational Facilities |
Accessory Uses | Cemetery |
Non-Commercial Recreational Facilities | Airports |
Agriculture | Sand and Gravel Extraction |
Telecommunication Towers | |
Any use not listed under the S-1 district must be reviewed by the Planning Commission for approval or disapproval of such use. The procedure for such review will follow conditional use permit standards.
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
Single-Family Dwellings | Non-Commercial Recreational Facilities |
Public Service Facilities | Cemetery |
Essential Services | Public Uses |
Accessory Uses | Semi-Public Uses |
Existing Agriculture and Forestry | Telecommunication Towers |
Planned Unit Development - pursuant to Chapter 1149 |
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
Single-Family Dwellings | Non-Commercial Recreational Facilities |
Public Uses | Professional Activities |
Semi-Public Uses | Multiple-Family Dwellings |
Essential Services | Public Service Facilities |
Accessory Uses | Two-Family Dwellings |
Planned Unit Development - pursuant to | Telecommunication Towers |
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
Single-Family Dwellings | Non-Commercial Recreational Facilities |
Two-Family Dwellings | Professional Activities |
Essential Services | Child Care Clinic |
Accessory Uses | Nursery School |
Manufactured Home Parks | |
Nursing Homes | |
Conversion of 1 Unit Dwellings to Apartments | |
Mortuaries | |
Public Uses | |
Semi-Public Uses | |
Multiple Family Dwellings | |
Condominiums | |
Zero Lot Lines | |
Telecommunication Towers | |
Manufactured Home | |
(See “MH” District Regulations) | |
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
Retail Business | Gasoline Service Stations |
Personal Services | Drive-In Banks |
Business Services | Automotive Sales and Repair |
Offices and Banks | Printing and Publishing |
Restaurants | Hotels and Motels |
Social Activities | |
Professional Activities | |
Commercial Entertainment Facilities | |
Semi-Public Uses | |
Public Service Facilities | |
Essential Services | |
Public Uses | |
Accessory Uses to the Above Listed Permitted Uses | |
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
Retail Business | Outdoor Advertising |
Personal Business | Wholesale Business |
Business Services | Printing and Publishing |
Professional Activities | Animal Hospitals and Clinics |
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
Offices and Banks | Bakeries and Dairies |
Gasoline Service Stations | Commercial Recreational Facilities |
Restaurants and Taverns | Adult Entertainment |
Motels and Hotels | Telecommunication Towers |
Entertainment Facilities | |
Essential Services | |
Accessory Uses | |
Automotive Sales and Repairs | |
Mortuaries | |
Commercial Entertainment Facilities | |
Public and Semi-Public Uses | |
Farm Implement Sales and Services | |
Planned Unit Development - pursuant to Chapter 1149 | |
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
Restricted Manufacturing | Outdoor Advertising |
Printing and Publishing | Food Processing |
Research and Testing Facilities | Restaurants |
Offices | Telecommunication Towers |
Public Service Facilities | |
Essential Services | |
Accessory Uses | |
Planned Unit Development - pursuant to Chapter 1149 | |
Permitted Uses | Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval |
General Manufacturing | Restaurants |
Transport and Trucking Terminals | Outdoor Advertising |
Wholesale Business | Junk Storage and Sales |
Food Processing | Sand and Gravel Extraction |
Grain Elevators and Feed Mills | Agriculture |
Essential Services | Oil and Gas Wells |
Accessory Uses | Livestock Auctions and Sales |
Public Service Facilities | |
Manufacturing, Sales and Storage of Building Materials | |
Telecommunication Towers | |
Planned Unit Development - pursuant to Chapter 1149 | |
Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval
All uses in the B-1 and B-2 Districts
All uses in the M-1 and M-2 Districts, except the following:
transport and trucking terminals
grain elevators and feed mills
junk storage and sales
sand and gravel extraction
oil and gas wells
livestock auctions and sales
Planned Unit Development - pursuant to Chapter 1149
All business and industrial uses not listed shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
For all uses - a site plan shall be submitted for review and approval.
(Ord. 517. Passed 8-17-99; Ord. 681. Passed 12-6-04.)
No land or building in any district shall be occupied or used in any manner which creates or contributes to the existence or conditions which are dangerous, injurious, harmful, noxious, or objectionable, or which may otherwise adversely affect surrounding areas or adjoining premises. Specifically, the occupation or use of any land or building in any district shall be in violation of this Ordinance if one or more of the following conditions are found to exist at any time.
1. The dumping and/or spreading of municipal waste-water (sewage) or water treatment sludge, industrial water or waste-water (sewage) sludge, including the waste collected from private sewage treatment (septic tanks), and any of the treatment of such water or sewage is by product prohibited within the Village.
2. There shall be no disposal facility (including a landfill) for the disposal of garbage, solid, hazardous, or nuclear waste materials within the Village.
(Ord. 959. Passed 9-11-17.)