(a)   The Fiscal Officer hereby requests authorization from Council to participate in State contracts which the Department of Administrative Services, Office of State Purchasing, for the purchase of supplies, services, equipment and certain materials pursuant to Ohio R.C. 124.04.
   (b)   The Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to agree in the name of the Village to be bound by all contract terms and conditions as the Department of Administrative Services, Office of State Purchasing prescribes. Such terms and conditions shall include a reasonable fee to cover the administrative costs which the Department of Administrative Services incurs as a result of the Village’s participation in a contract. Further, the Fiscal Officer does hereby agree to be bound by all such terms and conditions.
   (c)   The Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to agree in the name of the Village to directly pay the vendor, under State contract in which it participates for items it receives pursuant to the contract, and the Fiscal Officer does hereby agree to directly pay the vendor.
(Ord. 478. Passed 4-6-98.)
   (a)   A centralized purchasing and credit card policy is hereby established for the Village of Metamora. All purchases of supplies, materials, equipment, services or labor for all departments, offices, boards, and commissions shall be managed under the direction of the Village Fiscal Officer.
   (b)   No purchase, by check, credit card, or any other means, of any supplies, material, equipment, services or labor shall be made by any department, office, board, or commission, regardless of whether funds appear to have been appropriated by the Village Council for such purchase, without first obtaining a purchase order from the Village Fiscal Officer or Deputy Clerk as provided under Section 7505 of the Ohio Revised Code. Any purchase made using village funds by check, credit card or any other means without first obtaining a purchase order shall be considered to be unauthorized by the Metamora Village Council; except in emergency situations necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Village of Metamora. In such emergency situations, the Fiscal Officer or Deputy Clerk shall be notified of such purchase as soon as possible for the issuance of a "Then and Now" Certification for the purchase.
   (c)   (1)   Credit cards shall be issued to Village employees, if necessary, for the purchase of gasoline, supplies, materials, equipment, services or labor which cannot be readily purchased by check or other means or due to emergency situations. In non-emergency situations, the employee will obtain a purchase order from the Fiscal Officer or Deputy Clerk for the purchase prior to use of the credit card. In emergency situations necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Village of Metamora, the employee will notify the Fiscal Officer or Deputy Clerk of the purchase as soon as possible for the issuance of a "Then and Now" Certification for the purchase. The authorized use of credit cards for the purchase of meals or lodging at out of town conferences or training seminars shall follow the procedure enumerated in the employee handbook. Itemized receipts for all credit card purchases shall be returned immediately to the Fiscal Officer or Deputy Clerk for financial reconciliation. The use of credit cards for any personal purpose, expense or purchase, for the purpose of alcohol or any use specified in Section 2913.21 of the Ohio Revised Code is prohibited.
      (2)   No Village credit card shall be used for a cash advance.
      (3)   Each credit card user is required to sign a statement that he or she has read the credit card policy and will abide by it. In addition, before the credit card is given to an employee of the Village of Metamora, he or she shall sign a form acknowledging that he or she has taken possession of the credit card with the appropriate date and time the card is taken and returned.
      (4)   Users are responsible for the security of the card and all purchases made on the card. If the card is lost or stolen, the user must contact the Village Fiscal Officer immediately.
      (5)   Any refunds for returned goods, cancellations of services or modifications must be credited back to the card.
   (d)   (1)   Any officer, employee, or other person who unlawfully expends or authorizes the expenditure of public funds may be held personally liable for the full amount paid from those funds as provided in Section 5705 of the Ohio Revised Code. In the event of unauthorized use of a Village credit card, the individual who used the credit card illegally shall be responsible for the full amount of the charge as well as any fees associated with the transaction, i.e. bank fees, collection fee, court cost, or any other applicable fee and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
      (2)   The Village Fiscal Officer is hereby directed to review any purchase made by any department, office, board, or commission over one thousand dollars ($1,000). Any purchase deemed by the Village Fiscal Officer to be unnecessary, inappropriate, unusual or unlawful must be reviewed and approved by the Metamora Village Council.
   (e)   The Village of Metamora shall authorize the Fiscal Officer and Deputy Clerk to engage in electronic banking in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations authorizing the use of electronic or wire transfers and in conformity with the guidelines established by this policy.
   Electronic banking activities will be used for, but not limited to the following:
      (1)   Online banking services (reviewing account balances, retrieving bank statements, downloading copies of cancelled checks, making stop payments orders, etc.).
      (2)   Pre-authorized debit payments.
      (3)   ACH Vendor payments.
      (4)   EFT or wire transfers.
      (5)   Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).
      (6)   Electronic State Tax Payment System (Ohio Business Gateway).
      (7)   Regional Income Tax Agency payments (RITA).
   Access to any online bank accounts will be managed and authorized by the Fiscal Officer
to allow other users restricted access as necessary for banking functions as needed. Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT's) and wire payments can only be initiated by the Fiscal Officer or personnel authorized by the Fiscal Officer. The recording of such transactions will be captured by the Fiscal Officer through the use of journal entries in the finance system(s).
   ACH Vendor payments are authorized by the Fiscal Officer and the Deputy Clerk after standard processing and recording through the Budgetary/Payroll transaction process. Recording of ACH Vendor payment are the responsibility of the Fiscal Officer through the standard posting to the Budgetary System. Releases of payments are made by the Fiscal Officer or Deputy Clerk only after the completion of the appropriate recorded transaction process.
(Ord. 979. Passed 9-10-18.)