Site Plan Approval Process
Step 1
Applicant files application and fee with zoning official.
Step 2
Zoning official determines completeness of application.
Step 3
Zoning official reviews and acts on application. Major site reviews shall be forwarded to planning commission/city council for action.
(Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of requiring site plan review is to ensure that proposed development conforms with these regulations and proposes a compatible arrangement of buildings, off street parking, lighting, signage, landscaping, vehicle and pedestrian circulation, site drainage and open spaces. Site plan review shall consider the siting of proposed construction and its impact on the existing topography and natural vegetation, and the relationship of proposed construction to existing public and private improvements in the immediate area and its conformance to the policies and standards of the master plan. The design shall encourage the elimination of unnecessary grading and endeavor to retain the natural character of the site, including the preservation of trees and other natural features.
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   A site plan shall be required for all new construction, exterior additions or changes in use to any structure used for multi-family, commercial, industrial or public use, whether such use is a permitted use in the district, authorized by a special use permit or allowed as a planned development. No building permit shall be issued for a development subject to site plan review until such site plan has been approved in accordance with these regulations.
      2.   Development in the following zoning districts is required to obtain site plan review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit: (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
(Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996; amd. Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
      3.   Site plan review is not required for permitted uses (but shall be required for special uses and planned development uses) in the following zoning districts:
(Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
      4.   Nonresidential projects greater than ten (10) acres in size and residential projects greater than twenty (20) units are considered major site plan reviews and shall be forwarded to the planning commission for action. If no planning commission exists, the application shall be forwarded to the city council for action.
   C.   Application For Site Plan Review:
      1.   Staff Conference: Before any application is made, the applicant is encouraged to confer with the zoning official to discuss, in general, the procedures and requirements for site plan approval pursuant to these regulations. This is not a part of construction plans. (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
      2.   Application: A property owner or designated representative of the property owner may initiate site plan review by filing an application with the zoning official and paying the site plan application fee as established by the city council.
      3.   Phases: A site plan may be prepared and submitted for the entire development or for individual development phases.
      4.   Preparation: All site plans must be prepared by a registered architect, engineer, surveyor or planner.
      5.   Information: All site plans shall contain the following information:
         a.   Name and address of record of owner, architect, engineer, surveyor, planner and contractor;
         b.   Date, north arrow and scale;
         c.   A scale of not less than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') if the site is less than three (3) acres and one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') if the site is three (3) acres or more;
         d.   A vicinity map at a scale of not less than one inch equals two thousand feet (1" = 2,000');
         e.   Location (horizontal and vertical) of existing and proposed rights of way, easements and infrastructure (streets, sewers, water lines, etc.);
         f.   Size, use and location of existing and proposed structures and drives on the subject property, and existing structures and drives within one hundred feet (100') of the property;
         g.   A legal description and accompanying map exhibit of the property, showing the location and type of boundary evidenced. The legal description shall include the following data:
            (1)   Metes and bounds or subdivision description of all property lines;
            (2)   Total area of property;
         h.   Existing topography with maximum contour interval of two feet (2'), except where existing ground is on a slope of less than two percent (2%), then either one foot (1') contours or spot elevations shall be provided where necessary;
         i.   Location of floodplain areas, floodways, centerlines of drainage courses, base flood elevations and finished floor elevations of proposed buildings;
         j.   The height, number of floors and proposed square footage of all buildings, both above and below or partially below the finished grade;
         k.   The yard dimensions from the development boundaries and adjacent streets and alleys; (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
         l.   The traffic and the pedestrian circulation system, including the location and width of all streets, driveways, entrances to parking areas and parking structures, walkways and bicycle paths. A traffic impact analysis may be required pursuant to subsection 9-9-6C of this title; (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
         m.   Off street parking and loading areas, including dimensions of proposed drives and parking spaces, and structures and landscaping for parking areas;
         n.   Greenbelt and other active recreation space areas, together with proposed private recreational areas, specifying the proposed improvement of all such areas, and delineating those areas proposed for specific types of recreational facilities; (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
         o.   Architectural elevations of proposed structures and a detailed list of proposed building materials shall be submitted if concurrently processing an architectural review application; (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
         p.   A master sign plan, detailing all proposed signage for the site;
         q.   A plan or statement showing the location and design of all screening measures and indicating the type, building materials and height of such screening;
         r.   When the development is to be constructed in stages or units, a development schedule showing the order of construction of such stages or units, and approximate completion date for the construction of each stage or unit;
         s.   A copy of all covenants, restrictions and conditions pertaining to the use, maintenance and operation of private open space areas, common areas or common facilities;
         t.   A statement in tabular form (chart) which sets forth the following data, when such data is applicable to a given development plan:
            (1)   Total number of dwelling units, if applicable;
            (2)   Residential density and units per gross acre, if applicable;
            (3)   Total floor area (in square feet) and floor area ratio for each type of use;
            (4)   Total area in open space;
            (5)   Total area in developed recreational open space; and
            (6)   Total number of off street parking spaces, required and provided and total off street loading spaces, required and provided. (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
         u.   The location and size of landscape areas;
         v.   General drainage information across the site; (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
         w.   Comments or reports of advisory body reviewing application;
         x.   The existing zoning of the property;
         y.   The existing zoning of adjacent property;
         z.   The existing land use of adjacent property.
      6.   Number; Size: Applicant shall provide four (4) sets of plans, twenty four inches by thirty six inches (24" x 36") and one set of plans, eleven inches by seventeen inches (11" x 17") or eight and one-half inches by eleven inches (81/2" x 11"). (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
   D.   Reserved. (Ord. 382, 8-28-2007, eff. 9-20-2007)
   E.   Site Plan Approval:
      1.   Criteria: The city council or planning commission shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the site plan, based upon the following criteria. If no planning commission exists, the zoning official shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the site plan, based upon staff's determination that the following criteria are satisfied: (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
         a.   The site is capable of accommodating the building(s), parking areas and drives with appropriate open spaces and is in compliance with all requirements of these regulations.
         b.   The site plan provides for safe and easy ingress, egress and internal traffic circulation.
         c.   All development features, including the principal building and any accessory buildings, open spaces, service roads and parking areas are located so as to minimize the possibility of adverse effects on adjacent properties.
         d.   The plan is consistent with accepted land planning and site engineering design principles.
         e.   The plan represents an overall development pattern that is consistent with the general plan, design guidelines and other adopted planning policies. (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
      2.   Conditions: The city council, planning commission or zoning official may condition site plan approval on the following: (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
         a.   Phasing of development to assure that the density or intensity of the development is coordinated with the provision of adequate public facilities;
         b.   Dedication of necessary rights of way or easements;
         c.   Provision of setbacks or buffers in addition to those required in the district to separate the use from incompatible adjacent uses;
         d.   Limitations on hours of operation;
         e.   Any other factor deemed relevant to carrying out the intent and purpose of this section. (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
      3.   Record Of Final Determination: The applicant shall be notified of the final determination of the application pursuant to subsection 9-4-2E of this title. (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
      4.   Waiver Of Requirements: An applicant may, by formal request to the city council, obtain a waiver from the requirements of this section upon a showing of hardship. (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
   F.   Site Plan Amendments: The zoning official shall be authorized to review and approve amendments to previously approved site plans, when the amendment is for the expansion of floor space which is less than ten percent (10%) of the gross square footage approved by the site plan and not to exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet of the previously approved site plan; and, provided, the amendment meets all requirements of these regulations. (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008)
   G.   Site Plan Expiration:
      1.   Specified: Unless a longer time shall be specifically established as a condition of approval, site plan approval shall lapse and become void one year from the date of site plan approval unless prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion.
      2.   Extension: Site plan approval may be extended only upon the applicant's written request for extension of the plan as approved by the zoning official prior to expiration. Such extension, if granted, shall not exceed a period of one year. The request for extension shall be reviewed in relationship to any change in ordinance or code requirements, development of surrounding land uses and adjacent properties and the expansion or provision of public facilities and utilities.
      3.   Suspension; Revocation: Upon violation of any applicable provision of this section or, if granted subject to conditions, upon failure to comply with conditions, the site plan approval shall be suspended and shall be subject to revocation pursuant to section 9-4-11 of this title upon notification to the owner of the subject property.
      4.   Validity: A site plan approval pursuant to these provisions shall run with the land and shall continue to be valid upon a change of ownership of the site or structure which was the subject of the application. (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)
   H.   Architectural Review: If architectural review is required pursuant to section 9-5-9 of this chapter, site plan review shall be completed prior to or concurrent with architectural review.
   I.   Appeal Procedure: Denied applications may be appealed to the city council in accordance with subsection 9-4-9B of this title. (Ord. 397, 3-11-2008, eff. 4-3-2008; amd. Ord. 581, 11-28-2020)