A.   Previously Existing Regulations: Those regulations in effect immediately previous to the effective date of this UDO shall be referred to in this section as the "previously existing regulations". The UDO shall be referred to either as "these regulations" or the UDO.
   B.   Administrative Permits: Administrative permits issued prior to the effective date of these regulations shall be valid until their expiration under the previously existing regulations. Applications for administrative permits submitted after the effective date of these regulations shall be reviewed and evaluated pursuant to the requirements of this UDO.
   C.   Subdivision: Complete applications for tentative map(s) submitted prior to the effective date of these regulations shall be processed under the previously existing regulations. All applications for subdivision approvals submitted after the effective date of these regulations shall be reviewed pursuant to this UDO. Subdivision development applications, approved under the previously existing regulations, that are allowed to lapse or expire will be subject to reapplication under these regulations.
   D.   Zoning:
      1.   Uses: Existing uses may continue either in compliance with these regulations or as legal nonconforming uses subject to the requirements of chapter 11 of this title.
      2.   Lots: Existing lots that do not comply with the requirements of these regulations will be allowed to be developed in compliance with chapter 11 of this title.
      3.   Rezoning Applications: Rezoning applications that have been filed prior to the adoption of these regulations and which are complete shall be processed pursuant to the previously existing regulations. If the application is denied or fails for any reason, new application must be made in compliance with these regulations.
   E.   Conditional Use Permits: The city shall monitor all outstanding conditional use permits issued under the previously existing regulations and prior to expiration of the existing conditional use permit, the permit holder may, if required under these regulations, apply for a conditional use permit as set forth in section 9-5-3 of this title. (Ord. 172, 9-24-1996, eff. 10-31-1996)