A.   Location: In ground pools, spas and water features shall not be placed closer than five feet (5') to any building or structure. An exception may be permitted when substantiation is provided by a Nevada licensed structural or civil engineer that no damage will occur to buildings, structures or adjacent properties and that no unsafe structural conditions will exist.
   B.   Equipment: Pool, spa and water feature equipment shall be located a minimum distance of twelve inches (12") from the property line. The equipment slab shall not be in contact with the foundation system of a property line structure. Equipment shall be installed in accordance with the currently adopted mechanical code, approved listing requirements and the manufacturer's installation instructions.
   C.   Overhead Conductor Clearances: The following parts of pools shall not be placed under existing service drop conductors or any other open, overhead wiring; nor shall such wiring be installed above the following:
      1.   Pools and the area extending ten feet (10') horizontally from the inside of the walls of the pool;
      2.   Diving structures; and
      3.   Observation stands, towers or platforms.
   D.   Exceptions:
      1.   Structures listed in subsections C1, C2 and C3 of this section shall be permitted under supply lines or service drops where such installations provide the following clearances:
   Table B
Insulated supply or service drop cables or wiring, 0-750 volts to ground, supported on and cabled together with an effectively grounded bare messenger or effectively grounded neutral conductor.
All other supply or service drop conductors.
Voltage to ground
0-15 kV 15-50 kV
A. Clearance in any direction to the water level, edge of water surface, base of diving platform or permanently anchored raft.
18 feet
(5.49 m)
25 feet
(7.62 m)
27 feet
(8.23 m)
B. Clearance in any direction to the diving platform or tower.
14 feet
(4.27 m)
16 feet
(4.88 m)
18 feet
(5.49 m)
C. Horizontal limit of clearance measured from inside wall of the pool.
This limit shall extend to the outer edge of the structures listed in subsection C1 and C2 of this section, but no less than 10 feet (3.05 m).
      2.   Utility owned, operated and maintained communications conductors, community antenna system coaxial cables complying with article 820 of the mechanical code, and the supporting messengers shall be permitted at a height of not less than ten feet (10') (3.05 m) above swimming and wading pools, diving structures, and observation stands, towers, or platforms.
(FPN): See sections 225-18 and 225-19 of the mechanical code for clearances for conductors not covered by this section. (Ord. 188, 7-8-1997)