For the purpose of this chapter certain terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this section. Where terms are not defined, they shall have their ordinarily accepted meanings within the context with which they are used. "Webster's Third New International Dictionary Of The English Language", unabridged, copyright 1986, shall be considered as providing ordinarily accepted meanings. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. Words used in the masculine gender include the feminine and the masculine.
ACCESSIBLE: When applied to a fixture, connection, appliance or equipment shall mean having access thereto, but which first may require the removal of an access panel, door, or similar obstruction. "Readily accessible" shall mean direct access without the necessity of removing any panel, door or similar obstruction.
APPROVED: As to materials and types of construction, refers to approval by the building official as the result of investigation and tests conducted by the building official, or by reason of accepted principles or tests by recognized authorities, technical or scientific organizations.
BODY OF WATER: Any body of water such as a reservoir, tank, pond, architectural pond, etc., not otherwise defined herein as a "wading pool", "spa", or "swimming pool".
BUILDING OFFICIAL: The director of the department of building.
HEALTH DISTRICT: The Southern Nevada health district.
LISTED AND LISTING: Equipment or materials included in a list published by an approved testing laboratory, inspection agency or other organization concerned with product evaluation that maintains periodic inspection of current production of listed equipment or materials. The published list shall state that the equipment or material complies with approved nationally recognized codes, standards or tests and has been tested or evaluated and found suitable for use in a specified manner.
MANMADE DECORATIVE WATER FEATURE: Any manmade stream, fountain, waterfall, or other manmade water feature that contains water that flows or that is sprayed into the air, constructed for decorative, scenic or landscape purposes, except the following bodies of water:
   A.   "Manmade lakes", as defined in local ordinance or administrative code.
   B.   Swimming pools or spas as regulated in this chapter.
   C.   Water features utilized in a family entertainment theme park as regulated in local ordinance or administrative code.
   D.   Water features used in conjunction with and appurtenant to a single-family residence, and available only to the family of the householder or their private guests.
MANUFACTURED: A pool or spa unit that is manufactured or constructed at another location, transported to the property, and placed and/or assembled at the property.
NONSLIP SURFACE: A surface which minimizes slipping of bare feet such as, but not limited to, a nonslip finished tile or concrete with a brush or "lift" finish.
NORMAL OPERATING WATER LEVEL: The overflow point on overflow gutters or the midpoint in the throat of skimmers.
PSI: An abbreviation for pounds per square inch.
PVC: An abbreviation for polyvinyl chloride, a plastic material approved for certain uses in the plumbing code.
POOL: See definition of Swimming Pool.
POOL DEPTH: The distance between the lowest point of the pool floor and the normal operating water level.
PORTABLE POOL (NONPERMANENTLY INSTALLED POOL) 1 : A pool that may be readily disassembled for storage and reassembled to its original integrity, and is not permanently attached to plumbing or electrical services.
PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL OR SPA: Includes all artificially constructed swimming pools or spas which are used in conjunction with and appurtenant to a single-family residence, and available only to the family of the householder or their private guests.
PUBLIC POOL OR SPA: Any swimming pool or spa, other than a private pool or spa, which is intended to be used for swimming or bathing and is operated by an owner, lessee, operator, licensee or concessionaire, regardless of whether a fee is charged for use.
RESORT POOL: Includes all artificially constructed swimming pools, wading pools, spas, or ornamental bodies of water which are appurtenant to or which are built and/or maintained in connection with any building or other structure, kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public to be a place where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to transient guests, in which three hundred (300) or more rooms are used for sleeping accommodations of such transient guests, and which is licensed by the city to sell alcoholic beverages and maintain gambling games or devices and complies with other requirements in the adopted plumbing code.
RURAL RESORT POOL: Includes all artificially constructed swimming pools, wading pools, spas or ornamental bodies of water which are appurtenant to or which are built and/or maintained in connection with any building or other structure, kept, used, maintained, advertised, or held out to the public to be a place where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to transient guests, in which seventy five (75) hotel or motel rooms, or fifty (50) hotel or motel rooms, and fifty (50) recreational vehicle sites are developed as required in title 9 of this code and complies with the other requirements of the adopted plumbing code.
SEMIPUBLIC: Includes swimming pools, wading pools and spas used in connection with multiple-family or cooperative groups (such as apartments, hotels, motels, private clubs, residential subdivisions, etc.), and available only to such groups and their private guests, but not available to the general public.
SLIP RESISTANT: A surface which reduces slipping.
SPA: An artificially constructed body of water, either portable or permanent, designed for recreation or therapeutic use that is not drained, cleaned or refilled for each individual user. It may include, but is not limited to, hydrojet circulation, hot tubs, hot water, cold water, mineral baths, air induction bubbles, or any combination thereof. It shall not include therapeutic facilities used by or under the direct control of licensed medical personnel.
STAIR, RECESSED TREAD, LADDER: A means of entry and exit to and from the pool or spa that may be used in conjunction with each other.
   A.   Stair: A riser/tread or series of risers/treads extending down from the deck into the pool/spa area.
   B.   Recessed Tread: A series of vertically spaced cavities in the pool or spa wall creating tread areas for step holes.
   C.   Ladder: A series of vertically separated treads or rungs connected by vertical rail members or independently fastened to an adjacent vertical wall.
SWIMMING POOL: A permanently installed artificial body of water in excess of eighteen inches (18") in depth which includes all equipment necessary for its use, and is used for swimming or recreational bathing.
WADING POOL: An artificially constructed body of water in a portable or permanent water container used for recreational wading purposes which at its deepest point is not over twenty four inches (24") in depth.
WASTEWATER: Water resulting from filter cleansing, draining of a pool or spa, or lowering of the water level in a pool or spa.
WATER FEATURE: See definition of Manmade Decorative Water Feature.
WIDTH OR LENGTH: The actual dimension taken at the maximum location from inner wall to inner wall at the normal operating water level of a pool or spa. (Ord. 188, 7-8-1997; amd. Ord. 345, 6-27-2006, eff. 7-20-2006)



1. Portable pools are not controlled by this code and are not defined as a "body of water" or a "swimming pool", as defined in this section.