A.   All mitigation fees collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited into a special reserve fund. The fund, including interest and other income which accrues thereto, shall be expended solely for the implementation of the terms of the incidental take permit, as that document currently exists or as it may hereinafter be amended.
   B.   MSHCP mitigation fees shall not be exempt nor refunded except as specified in this section. Clark County shall consider each refund request and may order a refund of fees as provided in Nevada Revised Statutes 354.220 through 354.250. Applicants who request refunds after submitting an application for a land disturbance permit and then withdrawing it prior to the permit issuance may receive up to eighty percent (80%) of the MSHCP mitigation fee paid. (Ord. 479, 3-11-2014)