A.   No person shall operate any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer transporting any explosive substance or poisonous gases as a cargo or part of a cargo, or any motor tank truck, tank trailer or tank semitrailer, used for the transportation of inflammable liquids or liquefied petroleum gases with the tanks thereon, unless at the time of such transportation there is displayed upon each side and the rear of the exterior of such vehicle a sign upon which appears the word "explosives", or "poisonous" or "inflammables", whichever may correctly designate such cargo, in letters not less than three inches (3") in height upon a background of sharply contrasting color.
   B.   The provisions of this section have no application when any such explosive substances, poisonous gases, inflammable liquids or liquefied petroleum gases are transported in a truck or in any trailer or semitrailer attached thereto when such truck and such trailer and semitrailer so attached thereto have prominently displayed on each side and the rear of the exterior thereof a trademark, trade name, other designating mark, or a legend, substantially descriptive of the type of cargo of such truck, trailer or semitrailer and generally known to the public as being applied to such explosive substance, poisonous gases, inflammable liquids or liquefied petroleum gases. (Ord. 12, 8-16-1984)