A.   Upon complaint of any city resident to the city council, or from the personal observation and knowledge of a council member, that a nuisance of the nature specified in section 3-1-1 of this chapter exists, the city council shall notify the property owner or occupant of the premises causing or permitting the nuisance to exist that unless such nuisance is abated or removed within a reasonable time, which time shall be determined and stated by the city council in the notice served on the owner or occupant, the city council shall cause to be abated or removed, at the expense of the owner of the property, the nuisance complained of or found to exist.
   B.   Notice to abate or remove any nuisance shall be served upon the owner or occupant of the premises, or agent of the owner of the property or premises, responsible for the nuisance. If the owner of the property is unknown or absent, with no known representative or agent upon whom notice can be served, then the city council shall cause to be posted a written or printed notice upon the premises, setting forth that unless the nuisance is abated or removed within the stated, reasonable time, the city council will cause it to be abated or removed at the expense of the owner and property. (Ord. 11, 8-16-1984)
   C.   In carrying out the provisions of this section, no charge, debt or claim against any individual owner or any one piece of real property shall exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). (Ord. 69, 4-9-1991)