It is unlawful for any person to keep or use, or be in any manner connected with or interested in the management of, or receive money or other things of value for the admission of any person to, a house, apartment, pit or place for the baiting and fighting of birds or animals, and it is unlawful for any owner or occupant of a house, apartment, pit or place to wilfully procure or permit the same to be used or occupied for such baiting or fighting, or to instigate, promote, arrange or carry on, or do any act as assistant, umpire, principal, spectator or otherwise, in aid of or calculated to encourage or further any fight between birds, dogs or other animals. It is unlawful for any person to provide or use pigeons or other birds, or to fire upon the same, in connection with any "shoot" which may result in the killing or injuring of any pigeons and such other birds. (Ord. 433, 1-26-2010, eff. 3-1-2010)