A.   There shall be five (5) election inspectors for each polling place at each election. The city clerk is authorized to select two (2) or more sets of alternate election inspectors to work at different times on election day, and may establish different working hours for different election officials assigned to the same polling place.
   B.   The city clerk, or designee, shall have the discretion to increase staffing at each site as he/she deems necessary to handle anticipated voter turnout. The total number of election officials shall be appointed in such a manner that the total number of election officials is an odd number.
   C.   One additional election official may be appointed by the city clerk to serve at each polling place without regard to party affiliation who shall serve as a greeter to answer questions and to direct electors to the proper locations for registration and voting and who shall be available to substitute for other election officials who must leave the room during the voting process.
   D.   Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the common council, pursuant to section 7.32, Wisconsin statutes, may by resolution authorize the city clerk in his/her discretion to reduce the number of election officials to be used at any polling place to three (3) persons.
   E.   Election inspectors shall be appointed pursuant to section 7.30(4), Wisconsin statutes. (Ord. 2011-08, 9-19-2011)