A.   Use: All persons, firms or corporations, and their agents, whose residences or places of doing business are within the corporate limits of the city shall be privileged to use the facilities of the solid waste site for the depositing of "garbage" and "trash" as hereinabove defined, which originates in the city. No person, firm or corporation, other than those above designated, shall enter into or upon the city solid waste site or use the city solid waste site for any purpose whatsoever, and no refuse except refuse originating in the city shall be placed in the city solid waste site, excepting as may be authorized by agreements entered into by the city with other municipalities for the use of such solid waste site.
   B.   Permit: No person, firm or corporation, unless otherwise licensed for solid waste collection, shall use the solid waste site for deposit of solid waste without first having obtained a user permit as defined in section 4-5-7 of this chapter. (1975 Code Ch. 9 § II; amd. 2009 Code)