The city building inspector shall notify the city forester and urban forestry board of any application for new curb, gutter, sidewalk or driveway or other improvements that might require removal of, or cause injury to, any public tree or shiub or interfere with a public tree plan. Notification to the building inspector shall be made by a public utility before the utility may remove, trim, prune, cut, disturb, alter or do surgery on any public tree or shrub. The building inspector shall inform the city forester and the urban forestry board of such notification prior to actual work. The city forester shall limit the work to be done to the actual necessities of the utility and may supervise to ensure that the work done complies with the arboricultural specifications established by the urban forestry board. Expense of inspection or supervision may be charged to the utility at the usual city rate. (Ord. 2023-11, 4-3-2023)