(A)   Calculation. As a condition of approval for any residential development project, the city shall require the payment of park and recreation mitigation fees, which shall be calculated in the same manner as fees required by Chapter 7.75 of this code.
   (B)   Amount of fee. The amount of the park and recreation mitigation fees per dwelling unit may be adopted by resolution of the City Council. The Council may adopt and/or revise the fee amount as often as on an annual basis. The Council may adopt and/or revise the fee amount as often as on an annual basis, and in accordance with Cal. Gov't Code §§ 66000 et seq.
   (C)   Exemptions. The park and recreation mitigation fees established by this chapter shall not apply to residential development that is subject to the dedication of parkland or the imposition of in-lieu fees, or a combination of both, for park and recreational purposes, as a condition of approval of a tentative map or parcel map pursuant to Chapter 7.75 of this code, adopted in accordance with Cal. Gov't Code § 66477, sometimes referred to as the Quimby Act.
(Ord. 2022-364, passed 11-16-2022)