The purpose of this chapter is to specify the authority, procedures, and rules for clarification of ambiguity in the regulations of this title in order to ensure the consistent interpretation and application of the title.
(Ord. 2019-286, passed 11-20-2019; Am. Ord. 2019-291, passed 12-18-2019)
(A) Authority to interpret. Where uncertainty exists regarding the interpretation of any provision of this title or its application to a specific site, the Community Development Director, in consultation with the City Engineer as appropriate, shall have the authority and responsibility to interpret such terms, provisions, and requirements, unless specifically stated otherwise.
(B) Record of interpretation. Code interpretations shall be made in writing and shall state the facts upon which the Director relied to make the determination. The Department shall keep a record of interpretations made pursuant to this chapter on file for future reference.
(C) Applicability of interpretation. Code interpretations shall be applied in all future cases, provided that any interpretation may be superseded by a later interpretation when the Director determines that the earlier interpretation was in error or is no longer applicable under the current circumstances.
(Ord. 2019-286, passed 11-20-2019; Am. Ord. 2019-291, passed 12-18-2019)