Public parks are for the enjoyment and benefit of those persons who desire to use the facilities in an orderly manner. Disorderly conduct shall include such things as:
   (A)   Use of offensive words which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction;
   (B)   Throwing of rocks, stones or other missiles;
   (C)   Firing, discharging or carrying firearms or other dangerous weapons in the park, unless being used in connection with a city sanctioned or approved event. Weapons prohibited under this section will include, but not be limited to: firearms, any gun, pistol, bow and arrow, slingshot, or any type of object or device capable of propelling a projectile and exposed knives, daggers, and martial arts weaponry;
   (D)   Discharging or carrying any firecracker, or other fireworks, except by permit;
   (E)   Playing any game of chance, or operating any gaming table or instrument, or equipment designed for such game of chance;
   (F)   Begging or soliciting contributions or subscriptions, except by permit;
   (G)   Climbing upon or tending to deface, any wall, fence, shelter, building, structure or other public facility or equipment; and/or
   (H)   Any other violation of any section of the Penal Code sections of the state relating to disorderly conduct.
   (I)   Persons who are boisterous or publicly offensive to park users or nearby residents, or regarded in disorderly conduct shall be asked to cease such activity and upon failure to do so may be required to leave the park. All persons doing any act or thing injurious to any public area shall be removed therefrom by the appropriate public official or his or her agent, or by the Police Department.
(Ord. 2014-146, passed 5-21-2014)