   At the time provided in the notice inviting informal bids, the City Manager or City Engineer shall open all bids timely received and shall award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder. If two or more bids are the same and lowest, the Council may choose either. If no bids are received, they may solicit informal bids again, or perform the work by city forces, or negotiate a contract as they determine to be in the best interests of the city. If all bids are in excess of $125,000 (or an amount as may be amended from time to time as set out in § 3.30.010(A) above), the City Council, by four-fifths vote, may adopt a resolution awarding the contract, for $137,500 or less, to the lowest responsible bidder if it determines that to be reasonable.
(Ord. 2008-08, passed 10-21-2008)