A. Permit Required: No person shall perform any action upon or otherwise alter a wetland or water related resource area without first obtaining a written permit from the city. The following activities in or upon a wetlands or water resource related area shall require a permit:
1. The deposit or removal or permitting the deposit or removal of any debris, fill or any other material over one hundred (100) cubic yards.
2. Any excavation over one hundred (100) cubic yards.
3. The digging, dredging, filling, or in any other way altering or removing any material from water bodies, watercourses, wetlands, floodplain, or natural drainage system.
4. The construction, alteration, or removal of any structure.
5. The removal of vegetation.
6. The altering of any embankment or ponding area or the changing of the flow of water or ponding capacity.
7. Permanently storing materials.
8. Disposing of waste materials, including, but not limited to, sewage, garbage, rubbish, and other discarded materials.
9. Installation and maintenance of essential services.
B. Required Information And Data:
1. The applicant must submit, if determined necessary, engineering data that clearly indicates the magnitude of impact on the wetlands system or any component of the system, if any, that will result from the proposed development. (1981 Code 402 § 6)
2. The following drawings and exhibits shall be included with a permit application:
a. The name and address of the subdivider, developer, and owner.
b. A legal description of the proposed site with a map showing its location with indications of private access roads, existing or proposed, and of public highways adjacent to the site which will be affected by the operation.
c. A full and adequate description of all phases of the operation and/or proposed physical changes.
d. A soil survey map of the proposed plat.
e. A topographic map of the area. Contour intervals shall be drawn at two foot (2') intervals at a horizontal scale of one inch equals one thousand feet (1" = 1,000'), or larger.
f. A detailed site plan of the proposal showing proposed drainage, grading, and landscaping.
g. A site design map showing the location of existing and future manmade features within the site and to a distance of five hundred feet (500') surrounding the site.
h. Information on existing drainage and vegetation of all land within the site and to a distance of five hundred feet (500') surrounding the site.
i. The time period for completion of development including timing for staging of development, if applicable.
j. Design specifications for all sediment and erosion control measures. (1981 Code 402 § 8)
C. Administrative Procedures And Exemptions:
1. All proposals to adjust a W district boundary line shall follow the same administrative procedures as outlined in section 12-1L-7 of this title.
2. Where a project is proposed within the wetlands district, the city administrator may, at his or her discretion, direct the appropriate staff member to review the permit request for administrative approval when all of the following conditions exist:
a. No change from existing grades.
b. No increase in building or structure square footage.
c. Porch enclosure of an existing deck no larger than two hundred (200) square feet.
d. No increase in impervious surface coverage.
e. No reduction in natural vegetation cover.
f. Compliance with all other applicable zoning regulations.
g. Construction or repair of a private residential fence, in compliance with section 12-1D-6 of this title.
h. Construction of an accessory structure not requiring a building permit.
i. Emergency repairs to an existing structure or land that requires immediate action to mitigate any additional negative impacts.
j. Removal of invasive terrestrial plants and noxious weeds, by agreement with the city and in compliance with best management practices.
k. Removal of dead, dying, or diseased vegetation, by agreement with the city and in compliance with best management practices.
3. The city administrator, or designee, may issue an administrative approval. Such approval may include conditions if those conditions are necessary to ensure compliance with the intent and/or specific regulations of the wetlands ordinance or other applicable regulations. If issues are found in the application that disqualify the request from administrative approval under this section, the city administrator shall refer the application to the planning commission for review. (Ord. 471, 3-17-2015)