(A)   Powers and duties. The Planning Commission shall have the powers and duties given to city planning agencies generally by law and shall also exercise the duties conferred upon it by this code.
   (B)   Comprehensive plan.
      (1)   The Planning Commission shall prepare and recommend Council adoption of a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the city, including proposed public buildings, street arrangements and improvements, efficient design of major thoroughfares for traffic movement, parking facilities, public utilities services, parks and playgrounds, a general land use plan and other matters relating to the physical development of the city.
      (2)   The plan may be prepared in sections, each of which shall relate to the overall comprehensive plan.
      (3)   The Commission shall periodically, but at least every five years, review the comprehensive plan and any ordinances or program implementing the plan.
      (4)   Following Council adoption of the comprehensive plan or any section of the plan, the Commission shall recommend to the Council reasonable and practicable means for implementing the plan or sections.
      (5)   The plan will serve as a pattern and guide for the orderly physical development of the city and as a basis for judging the timely disbursements of funds to implement the objective.
      (6)   Means of effectuating the plan shall, among other things, consist of zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, capital improvement programming and technical review, and recommendations of matters referred to the Planning Commission by the Council.
   (C)   Zoning code. The Planning Commission shall review all proposed amendments to the zoning chapter, hold public hearings and make recommendations to the Council as prescribed by the zoning chapter.
   (D)   Conditional use and interim use permits. The Planning Commission shall make recommendations on all conditional use permit requests under the terms of the zoning chapter. The Commission shall report its recommendations to the Council for Council action.
   (E)   Subdivision of land and rezone requests. The Planning Commission shall make recommendations in relation to the subdividing of land and rezone requests as prescribed by the zoning chapter. The Commission shall report its recommendation to the Council for Council action.
   (F)   Capital improvement plan. The Planning Commission shall list and classify all proposed public works projects and shall prepare a coordinated program of proposed public works projects for the ensuing year and for a projected five-year period. The Planning Commission shall recommend to the Council all needed updates to the plan.
('77 Code, § 204.04)
   (G)   Variances. All applications for variances shall be referred to the city's Planning Commission and forwarded with or without recommendations directly to the Council for its decision.
   (H)   Other duties.
      (1)   To hold public hearings for the city as directed by the City Council. All public hearings will be held in accordance to M.S. § 394.26, as may be amended from time to time, which requires placing notice in the official newspaper, required notifications and posted at City Hall at least ten days prior to the meeting.
      (2)   To acknowledge all metes and bounds property divisions within the city that result in parcels under five acres.
(’77 Code, § 204.05) (Am. Ord. 2018-001, passed 2-12-18; Am. Ord. passed - -)