City Council votes shall be taken by voice vote.
(B) A clear statement of the matter being voted on and the names of those voting for and against the matter shall be recorded in the minutes.
(C) Council members may ask for a roll call vote by the Clerk/Treasurer and/or Administrator on any motion.
(D) The Clerk/Treasurer and/or Administrator may ask for a verification roll call vote if the vote of a Council member is not clear on the voice vote.
(E) A majority vote of the quorum present shall be sufficient for all matters before the Council, unless otherwise provided by state statute.
(F) Whenever a matter is put forward for a vote, every Council member shall vote, unless a bona fide conflict of interest, as defined by state law exists.
(’77 Code, § 201.05) (Am. Ord. 2017-001, passed 3-13-17; Am. Ord. passed - -)