(A)   Whenever the City Council determines the need and advisability to acquire any public improvement, the cost of which is to be defrayed wholly or in part by monies from the Public Improvement Reserve Fund, the provisions of the City Charter shall be fully complied with causing to be prepared, when applicable, maps, plans, specifications and estimates of costs of the proposed improvements and follow the normal City Charter requirements when acquiring items of personal property and the adoption of a specific resolution determining to acquire such improvement. Separate proceedings shall be taken for each separate type or kind of public improvement to be authorized.
   (B)   The Council shall provide for the transfer of all or part of the costs of such improvement from the Public Improvement Reserve Fund; provided, that if any part of the costs of the improvement is to be paid for by special assessment, the monies from the Public Improvement Reserve Fund shall only be used to defray such part of such public improvement as shall have been determined by the Council to be of general benefit to the entire city.
(1979 Code, § 1.77) (Ord. 71, passed 3-20-1979)