(A) The Department may approve any oil burner listed by the Underwriters Laboratory, or any other nationally recognized inspection board or laboratory. Oil burners not listed by the Underwriters Laboratory, or any other nationally recognized board or laboratory, shall not be approved until they have been inspected and tested by some recognized laboratory capable of making such a test and inspection and the certificate showing such inspection and test shall be forwarded to the Department. This inspection and test shall cover arrangement of parts, suitability of material, strength of parts, electrical control, thermostatic arrangement, reliability of automatic features, positiveness of ignition and safeguards against flooding.
(B) Any person licensed to install, alter, repair or replace oil burners in the city shall install a used burner for use in connection with a heating system only after he or she shall have furnished the Inspector with a statement that said oil burner has been put in first-class operating condition.
(Ord. 19, passed 1-7-1955)