(A)   Lots and parcels in the city shall undergo a site plan review before the Planning Commission prior to a boundary adjustment. The applicant for a boundary adjustment shall submit an application as approved by the City Council together with a before and after boundary survey with dimensions, the location of existing easements, buildings and other fixtures and the proposed amended legal descriptions for the parcels or lots to be affected by the proposed boundary adjustment.
   (B)   (1)   The Planning Commission shall review each proposed boundary adjustment and resultant lot or parcel for conformity with all applicable zoning regulations including, but not limited to, depth to width ratios, lot area and setback requirements.
      (2)   The fee for review of a proposed boundary adjustment shall be the same as required for the review of a proposed land division. Approval of a boundary adjustment by the Planning Commission shall not excuse the applicant from any other approvals as may be required by state, county or other local agencies.
(Ord. 161, passed 11-4-2003)