(A)   Amendments. Any amendment of the master deed, covenants or bylaws which would involve any subject matter reviewed during the final plan review must be submitted for review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council prior to the authorization and recording of the amendment.
   (B)   Site plans for expandable or convertible projects. Prior to expansion or conversion of a condominium project to additional land, the new phase of the project shall undergo site plan review and approval, pursuant to this subchapter.
   (C)   Encroachment prohibited. Encroachment of one condominium unit upon another as described in § 40 of the Condominium Act, Public Act 59 of 1978, being M.C.L.A. §§ 559.101 through 559.276, as amended, shall be prohibited by the condominium bylaws and recorded as part of the master deed.
   (D)   Relocation of boundaries.
      (1)   The relocation of boundaries, as described in § 48 of the Condominium Act, Public Act 59 of 1978, being M.C.L.A. §§ 559.101 through 559.276, as amended, shall conform to all setback and spatial requirements of this subchapter for the district in which the project is located and shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and considered for approval by City Council.
      (2)   This requirement shall be made part of the bylaws and recorded as part of the master deed.
   (E)   Mobile home condominium project. A mobile home condominium project shall conform to all of the requirements of this subchapter.
   (F)   Conflicting regulations. Where other sections of this chapter are in conflict with this subchapter, the provisions of this subchapter shall control.
(Ord. 155, passed 3-18-2003)