(A)   Preliminary plan. A preliminary plan shall be filed by the applicant with the City Clerk at the city office. The applicant shall submit to the Clerk, in support of the preliminary review, a serviceable check for the sum total of all applicable processing fees, including review fees, planning fees, engineering fees, attorney fees and other applicable charges, as specified and approved by City Council.
   (B)   Preliminary plan application. The application shall contain all of the required material for a preliminary plan review. The Building Inspector or other official(s) designated by City Council, shall verify that all types of required material have been submitted prior to the scheduling of a plan review. Where county drains are involved, an approved preliminary plan with noted approval of the plan or a letter from the County Drain Commission stating reasons for rejection shall be submitted by the proprietor.
   (C)   Variances. Any variances (zoning and non-zoning) that will be requested in the future are to be identified during preliminary plan review. The Planning Commission may require the applicant to obtain a ruling on zoning variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals and non-zoning variances from the Council prior to preliminary plan review.
   (D)   Preliminary plan review.
      (1)   The time frame for preliminary plan review shall be approximately 60 days.
      (2)   In the preliminary plan review phase, the Planning Commission shall review the overall plan for the site, including basic road and unit configuration and the consistency of the plan with regard to all applicable provisions of city ordinances and the Master Plan.
      (3)   It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to send a written notice to all owners of adjoining land as to the time and place of a preliminary plan review meeting and where plan documents can be viewed.
      (4)   By the end of the preliminary plan review period, the Planning Commission shall submit to the applicant in writing either notice that preliminary review has been completed or a list of items remaining to be addressed or denial.
      (5)   The City Council is not required to review the preliminary plan. Upon completion of the preliminary plan review by the Planning Commission, the applicant has 12 months to submit the final plan for review. Should the final plan, in whole or in part, not be submitted within this time limit, a preliminary plan must again be submitted to the Commission for review. The review will be conducted using the requirements in place at the time of the new submittal.
(Ord. 155, passed 3-18-2003)