No person shall:
   (A)   Commit an assault or an assault and battery on any person;
   (B)   Be intoxicated in a public place and either endangering directly the safety of another person or of property or acting in a manner which causes a public disturbance;
   (C)   Be present in any public place with his or her ability to walk, talk or see significantly impaired by the use of any controlled substance as defined by Public Act 196 of 1971, as amended, provided, however, that this division (C) shall not be construed to apply to a person whose faculties have been impaired by medication prescribed by a physician and taken as directed;
   (D)   Engage in any indecent, insulting, immoral or obscene conduct in any public place;
   (E)   Discharge any firearm, air rifle, air pistol or slingshot in the city, except when lawfully acting in the defense of persons or property or the enforcement of law or at a duly established range, the operation of which has been approved by the City Council;
   (F)   Utter vile, profane or obscene language in any public place;
   (G)   Make any immoral exhibition or indecent exposure of his or her person;
   (H)   Willfully destroy, remove, damage, alter or in any manner deface any property not his or her own or any public school building or any public building, bridge, fire hydrant, alarm box, street sign, street light, traffic control device, railroad sign or signal, parking meter or shade tree belonging to the city, or located in the public places of the city, or mark or post handbills on, or in any manner mar the walls of, any public building or fence, tree or pole within the city or destroy, take or meddle with any property belonging to the city or remove the same from the building or place where it may be kept, placed or stored without proper authority or disturb, tamper with, disconnect or damage any city water meter without proper authority;
   (I)   Insult, accost, molest or otherwise annoy, either by word of mouth, sign or motion, any person in any public place;
   (J)   Engage in any disturbance, fight or quarrel in a public place;
   (K)   Collect or stand in crowds, or arrange, encourage or abet the collections of persons in crowds, for illegal or mischievous purposes in any public place;
   (L)   Loiter on any street or sidewalk or in any park or public building or conduct himself or herself in any public place so as to obstruct the free and uninterrupted passage of the public;
   (M)   Engage in any act of prostitution;
   (N)   Attend, frequent, operate or be an occupant or inmate of any place where prostitution, gambling, the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor or where any other illegal or immoral business or occupation is permitted or conducted;
   (O)   Engage in prostitution, gambling, the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor or any other illegal or immoral business or occupation. Proof of recent reputation for engaging in prostitution, gambling, illegal sale of intoxicating liquor or other illegal or immoral occupation or business shall be prima facie evidence of being engaged or occupied therein;
   (P)   Solicit or accost any person for the purpose of inducing the commission of any illegal or immoral act;
   (Q)   Disturb the public peace and quiet by loud, boisterous or vulgar conduct;
   (R)   Permit or suffer any place occupied or controlled by him or her to be a resort of noisy, boisterous or disorderly persons;
   (S)   Obstruct, resist, hinder or oppose any member of the police force or any peace officer in the discharge of his or her duties as such; and/or
   (T)   Prowl about any alley or the private premises of any other person in the nighttime without authority or the permission of the person in possession of such premises.
(1979 Code, § 9.92) (Ord. 48, passed 12-5-1972; Ord. 194, passed 9-18-2012) Penalty, see § 10.99