For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BASIC CABLE SERVICE. The lowest level of service provided by the grantee. This shall include all broadcast channels, public, educational and government access channels, together with any additional channels or services the grantee provides on this service level.
   BENCHMARK RATES. Rates as established by the Federal Communications Commission for basic cable service.
   CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM, CABLE TV SYSTEM or CATV SYSTEM. A system of antennas, cables, wires, lines, towers, wave guides or other conductors, convertors, equipment or facilities located within the city, designed and constructed for the purpose of producing, originating, receiving, transmitting, amplifying and distributing audio, video and other forms of electronic or electrical signals broadcasted by one or more television stations to subscribing members of the public for a fixed or periodic fee, employing wires or cables passing along, over, under, across and/or upon streets, highways, alleys or other public places, including property over which the city has an easement or right-of-way, subject to the scope and limitations of such easement and rights-of-way.
   CABLECASTING. Programming, exclusive of broadcast signals, carried on a cable television system, including programming of local origination exclusive of broadcast signals, carried on a cable television system over one or more channels.
   CITY. The City of Memphis as constituted now and in the future.
   CITY COUNCIL. The duly elected/appointed governing body for the City of Memphis.
   CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS or CUSTOMER SERVICE OBLIGATIONS. Obligations specified by the Federal Communications Commission that the city may impose upon the grantee. Such imposition of customer service standards upon the grantee may be accomplished by the city through the passage of an appropriate resolution to that effect, together with enforcement provisions for these standards as shall be further set forth within this subchapter. The terms CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS and CUSTOMER SERVICE OBLIGATIONS shall be interchangeable when used within this subchapter.
   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION or FCC. The federal agency constituted by 47 USC 201 et seq. and charged by the United States Government with regulation.
   FRANCHISE AGREEMENT. The agreement as adopted by the city setting forth the terms and conditions of a franchise to provide cable television service to the city.
   GRANTEE. Any entity authorized to do business in the state and/or its duly authorized assignees and who has acquired a right to provide cable television services to the city.
   PERSON. A person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind or nature whatsoever.
(1979 Code, § 2.117) (Ord. 118, passed 2-1-1994)